Making use of the extruded pneumatic conveying principle is one of the modes for materializing the control and automation of sand conveyance, which can meet the requirements of the locomotive depot with great assumption of sand for adopting the sand conveyer using the state-of-the-art technology. 利用挤压式气力输送原理,是易于实现输砂控制和自动化方式之一,可满足耗砂量大的机务段对采用先进技术的输砂设备的要求。
The design of pulsate pneumatic conveyer 脉动气力输送装置的设计
An Automatic Control System for Low Pressure Pneumatic Conveyer of Powder Materials 粉料低压气体输送自控系统
This paper presents an automatic control system for low pressure pneumatic conveyer of powder materials with a programmable controller as key part, and describes the hardware structure, software structure, control method and characteristics of the system. 本文介绍了一种以可编程序控制器为核心的粉料低压气体输送自动控制系统,并对系统的硬件结构、软件构成、控制方式及特点作了介绍。
Fuzzy control system of the pneumatic conveyer pressure for cut tobacco 模糊控制器在气力送丝系统中的应用
Pneumatic Conveyer System for Powdered Additive Feeding into Cold End of a 1000 t/ h Oil-fired Boiler 1000t/h燃油锅炉冷端添加剂的输送系统
Discussion about pneumatic conveyer of dried nylon 6 chips at normal temperature 对聚酰胺6干切片常温风送试验的探讨
Design and implementation of a PLC based control system for the pneumatic power ash conveyer of a fossil-fuel power plant 发电厂气力输灰PLC监控系统的设计与实现
An Introduction to MSY-80 Type Portable Pulse Pneumatic Conveyer MSY·80型移动式脉冲气力输送机的介绍